Sažetak | Dostupne tehnologije i manjak slobodnog vremena utjecali su na ljude koji danas sve više žele sebi omogućiti veću udobnost življenja uz uštede u kućnom budžetu. Tu mogućnost danas nudi koncept „pametne kuće“. Tema ovog rada je podizanje platforme kućni asistent na različitim okruženjima (dokumentiranim i nedokumentiranim). Opisana je njihova arhitekta te su detaljno dokumentirani svi postupci podizanja i pokretanja za svako okruženje. Prikazan je način povezivanja pametnih uređaja te njihovo korištenje kroz razne automatizacije. Zbog sve većeg korištenja mobitela i tableta u svakodnevnom životu, kreirana je i aplikacija kućni asistent koja nudi isto korisničko sučelje kao i na računalu. Korištenjem aplikacije omogućena je kontrola nad svim pametnim uređajima unutar kućanstva u bilo kojem trenutku. Aplikacija kućni asistent povezuje IoT uređaje različitih proizvođača koji međusobno mogu komunicirati. Velika je prednost što se aplikacija kućni asistent može koristit u različitim okruženjima. Kućni asistent je službeno dokumentiran za platforme Hassio i Debian 10 (Buster) koja su testirana u ovom radu. Korišten je Hassio na Raspberry Pi 3 uređaju za prikaz kontrolne ploče, povezivanja pametnih uređaja i njihove automatizacije. Također je instalacija kućnog asistenta testirana na nedokumentiranim platformama kao što su Ubunu, Raspbian i kontejneri, Docker u Dockeru i Docker u Debianu, te vlastite Docked dadoteke (engl. Dockerfiles). Za nedokumentirane platforme moglo se pretpostaviti da će se pojaviti upozorenja pri podizanju kućnog asistenta. Bez obzira na takva upozorenja, kućni asistent se mogao pokretati i raditi. Neka upozorenja nije bilo moguće pretpostaviti ali su se greške nastale kao posljedica takvih upozorenja mogle otkloniti. Pritom su i dalje bila prikazana upozorenja s kojima je kućni asistent mogao raditi, ali sa smanjenim karakteristikama nadziratelja. Prilikom pokretanja vlastitih Docker datoteka (engl. Dockerfile), očekivano je ostvareno i više grešaka, jer nisu korišteni svi dijelovi originalnog koda prilikom njihovog kreiranja, već samo najbitniji dijelovi za pokretanje i rad nadziratelja. Tada je kućni asistent mogao raditi, ali ne u potpunosti. Provedena analiza je pokazala da se kućni asistent može instalirati na različitim platformama, i da je njegov rad unatoč indikaciji određenih grešaka moguć u cjelokupnom ili djelomičnom obimu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Due to available technologies and lack of spare time, today ever more people want to provide themselves with a greater comfort of living, while saving money concerning their household budget. What makes this possible today is the concept of smart homes. This master thesis deals with launching a platform called Home Assistant into different surroundings (documented as well as undocumented). Descriptions of different Home Assistant architectures, as well as detailed documenting of procedures of their installation and integration in versatile host surroundings are presented. Surroundings differ in a way of connecting smart devices and in their usage with different kinds of automation. Due to the vast usage of mobile phones and tablets in everyday life, the application Home Assistant was created. This application has the same interface on the mobile platform as those on desktop computers. When using this application, you can control all the smart devices within your household at any given moment. The platform Home Assistant connects IoT devices of different manufacturers and enables their communication with each other. What makes Home Assistant advantageous is the fact that it can be used in different surroundings. Home Assistant has been officially documented for platforms Hassio and Debian 10 ( Buster), which were tested in this work. Hassio was applied to Raspberry Pi3 device for displaying control panel of application, connecting smart devices and their automation. It was also tested on undocumented platforms like Ubuntu, Raspbian and containers, Docker in Docker and Docker in Debian, as well as on our own Dockerfiles. As expected, for undocumented platforms, during the launching of the application, different warnings appear. Despite these warnings, Home Assistant has been set and it works appropriately. However, some warnings can not be anticipated, but the errors related to those warnings have been alleviated. In doing so, warnings for which the Home Assistant could work with were still displayed, but with reduced characteristics of the supervisor. When running our Dockerfiles, as expected, more errors were observed. This is because not all parts of the original code were used in the creation of the Home Assistant application. Instead, only the most important parts for running and operating the supervisor were used. In this case, the Home Assistant could work, but not with full capabilities. Hence, the conducted analysis showed that the Home Assistant can be installed on different platforms, and its operation is possible with full or with partial capabilities, despite the indication of certain errors. |