Abstract | U ovom završnom radu pobliže je objašnjen pojam radiofrekvencijske tehnologije, odnosno Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tehnologije, principa rada samih sustava, ali i svih komponenata RFID sustava. Kroz ovaj završni rad su iznesene osnovne karakteristike i načela po kojima rade antene, čitači i tagovi, što je bio i osnovni zadatak teorijskog dijela samog rada. Osim toga popraćene su frekvencije pri kojima komponente rade te objašnjene njihove podjele po raznim parametrima. S obzirom na sve veću rasprostranjenost ovakvih sustava, postavlja se pitanje kako se ponašaju tagovi u ovisnosti o njihovoj okolini. Odrađeni eksperiment i praktični dio završnog rada je imao za cilj provjeriti kakve su zapravo performanse tagova u različitim okolnostima i zadatak je bio pratiti kako se događaju promjene u ovisnosti o podlozi tagova i udaljenosti taga i antene. Cijeli eksperiment je rađen s ThingMagic razvojnom pločicom modela M6e te s tri identična taga i svako mjerenje je trajalo isti vremenski period. Dobiveni rezultati su ukazali kako ponašanje tagova dosta ovisi o navedenim parametrima. Dakle, promjenom podloge tagova i udaljenosti od antene, dobivene su razne karakteristike koje pokazuju da većim dijelom tagovi imaju određeni obrazac ponašanja, uz poneke iznimke. Njih objašnjava nelinearnost tagova te njihovo ponašanje nikad u potpunosti čovjek ne može prognozirati i znati na koji način će u tom trenutku reagirati. |
Abstract (english) | In this thesis, the concept of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, the working principles of the systems themselves, as well as all the components of the RFID system are explained in more detail. Through this thesis, the basic characteristics and principles by which antennas, readers and tags work, were presented, which was also the basic task of the theoretical part of thesis itself. In addition, the frequencies at which the components work are accompanied and their division by various parameters is explained. Considering the increasing prevalence of such systems, the question is how tags behave depending on their environment. The performed experiment and the practical part of this thesis aimed to check what the performance of the tags actually are in different circumstances, and the task was to monitor how changes occur depending on the tag substrate and the distance between the tag and the antenna. The whole experiment was done with the ThingMagic development kit, model M6e, and with three identical tags, and each measurement last the same period of time. The obtained results indicated that the behaviour of the tags depends a lot on the specified parameters. Thus, by changing the tag substrate and the distance from the antenna, various characteristics were obtained and show that, mostly, the tags have a certain pattern of behaviour, with some exceptions. They are explained by the non-linearity of the tags, and their behaviour can never be completely predicted by a person and know how they will react at that moment. |